valerie maria





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I want to capture moments you treasure most, both big and small, so you’ll be left with memories that fill the walls of your home and heart for years to come and a tangible legacy to be displayed for generations to come.

Hi, I'm Val


When should I book my maternity and newborn portraits?


As a mom-to-be or new parent in Malvern, PA, you’re starting a beautiful journey filled with wonder and joy. Amidst the chaos of preparations and sleepless nights, it’s easy to let those fleeting moments slip by. But what if you could pause time, just for a moment, and preserve these memories forever? That’s where maternity and newborn portraits come in.

When to Book Maternity Sessions

Your body is changing, nurturing new life within. It’s a phase of anticipation, of new life taking shape.

Ideal Timing: 28-34 Weeks

As your belly blossoms and your pregnancy glow is at its peak, this window offers the perfect opportunity for maternity portraits. You’ll likely feel more comfortable and energetic during this time, allowing your natural radiance to shine through.

While it might be tempting to postpone, you must know that those last few weeks can bring unexpected challenges. By scheduling earlier, you ensure you’re feeling your best and have the flexibility to reschedule if needed.

Maternity portraits aren’t just about documenting your growing bump. They’re about celebrating the incredible journey your body is undertaking. Each curve, each stretch mark tells a story of love and creation.

When to Book Newborn Sessions

In the blink of an eye, your little one arrives, and suddenly, time seems to speed up. Those tiny fingers and toes, that newborn scent – how can you preserve these?

Ideal Timing: First 3 to 4 Weeks

Newborns are at their sleepiest and most flexible during this time, allowing for those adorable curled-up poses that capture their tiny essence.

But what if we miss this window?

Don’t worry, mama. While this timeframe is ideal, beautiful newborn portraits can be created at any age. Each stage has its own beauty – from alert eyes to first smiles.

Remember, newborn sessions are baby-led. We’ll take breaks for feeding and soothing, ensuring your little one is comfortable throughout.

Why Early Booking of Maternity and Newborn Sessions Matters

Life with a newborn is unpredictable, but your portraits don’t have to be. Here’s why booking early can make all the difference:

Securing Your Spot

Professional photographers in Malvern and the surrounding areas often book up quickly, especially for newborn sessions. By reserving your date early, you ensure you don’t miss out.

Reducing Stress

The last thing you need in your third trimester or with a newborn is added stress. Early booking allows you to relax, knowing this important task is taken care of.

Tailoring Your Experience

When you book ahead, you and your photographer have time to plan a session that reflects your family. From choosing the perfect outfits to discussing your vision, early planning leads to more personalized results.

A Gentle Reminder

As you navigate this beautiful, chaotic time, remember to be kind to yourself. These portraits aren’t about perfection – they’re about capturing the love, the connection, and the tiny details that make your family unique.

So, dear Malvern parents, as you prepare to welcome your little one, consider scheduling maternity and newborn portraits early. Let’s work together to create beautiful, authentic images that tell your family’s unique story – images that will remind you, years from now, of the love and wonder of these precious early days.



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